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Tsurugaoka Hachimangu and authors
Special exhibition, Tsurugaoka Hachimangu and Authors As showed by the word Kamakura Bunshi, Kamakura has been a city, where writers and artists gather from long ago. This exhibition focuses on and introduces a friendship among them, an exchange with Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, and a connection with Kamakura. 特别展 鹤冈八幡宫与文人们 正如“镰仓文人”这个词所述,镰仓自古以来便是作家们聚集的城镇。 在本次展览中,我们将聚焦各位文人的交友、鹤冈八幡宫与文人、以及文人与镰仓的羁绊进行介绍。